By Skyler Jackson, MS (Doctoral Student in Counseling Psychology, University of Maryland, College Park)
On June 12, 2016 rapid gunfire tore through Orlando’s Pulse gay nightclub in an act of violence that jarred the nation—and garnered global attention.
Many were shaken to the core by what we now understand to be the largest mass shooting by a single shooter—and the deadliest incident of violence targeting LGBTQ people—in U.S. history. The numbers alone are staggering: At the time of this blog post, 49 deaths have been confirmed and an additional 53 people were injured during the gunman’s attack at the gay club’s popular Latin night. The facts that have come to light since the event have added chilling detail to our understanding of this tragic event.
When single events of this magnitude occur, we react in a multitude of ways. Many found themselves engulfed in difficult feelings (e.g., panic, anger, grief, fear), and a subsection of these individuals are still emotionally overwhelmed. Others immediately gravitated towards information gathering, fervently consuming the facts of this event. Indeed, in the aftermath of the seemingly incomprehensible, we often find ourselves on a burning quest for clarity and understanding. Another group still was immediately primed for action—ready to reform existing legislation, eager to combat homophobia and toxic masculinity, determined to work to reduce violence and improve human relations. Some simply felt numb, lost, and paralyzed.
Behind these responses are unspoken questions: How could this happen? What can I do? How can I cope? Where do we go from here? No one perspective and no single resource can address each of these inquiries. Fortunately, in the time since the attack, a number of online resources, articles, and videos—some old, and many new—have circulated in relation to the event and its aftermath.
Below is a compilation of over 100 online resources related to the Orlando, FL tragedy. The list is categorized by theme or intended audience, and includes online articles, lesson plans, videos, mental health resources, open letters, tips for clinicians, petitions, hotlines, and more.
The online resources and articles included were selected with great leniency. With the exception of pieces that spread misinformation or prejudice, few articles were intentionally excluded from this curated list. Thus, the 100+ items included vary greatly in quality, tone, and perspective. That said, the list is not comprehensive. It may, however, serve as an organized starting point in our quest for self-reflection, community healing, and ultimately, social change in the aftermath of this devastating event.
Responding to the Tragedy in Orlando: Helpful Responses for LGBTQ People and Allies
10 Ways to Support Yourself and the LGBTQ Community in Wake of the Orlando Shooting
11 Small Ways to Feel Less Helpless this Week, from a Trained Therapist
In the Wake of the Orlando Massacre: 7 Ways I Take Care of Myself During Depressive Episodes
13 Soothing Books to Read When Everything Hurts (Intersectional Focus)
Nationwide Vigils, Victim Fund Page, and More (English & Español)
Donate to the Orlando Youth Alliance (GLBTQ youth serving non-profit)
Love Is Love – LGBTQ KidLit Book Donation Drive for the Orlando Youth Alliance
Tell Congress: Support Common Sense Measures to Reduce Gun Violence (APA Action Alert)
8 Ways Allies Can Show Up For the Queer Community After Orlando
Rejecting Islamophobia as a Queer Latina in the Wake of the Orlando Shooting
Can We Stop Erasing Latinos from the Orlando Massacre Narrative?
Learning How to be a Straight Ally after the Orlando Tragedy
Mourning on Ramadan: Breaking My Fast With Queer Muslims After the Orlando Shooting
Dalai Lama Warns Against Scapegoating Muslims After Orlando Shooting
Gay Rabbi: We Can All Mourn Orlando, But This Was Terrorism Against Gay People
In Whitewashing the Pulse Shooting, We Dehumanize the Victims
Helping Your Child Manage Distress in the Aftermath of a Shooting
The #Orlando Syllabus (College-level curriculum)
Creating Safe and Welcoming Schools for All Children & Families
7 Ways to Talk to Children and Youth about the Shootings in Orlando
Teaching and Learning Resources – The Attack in Orlando: The Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History
10 Suggestions when Teaching about Controversial or Difficult Issues
GLSEN’s Safe Space Kit: Guide to Being an Ally to LGBT Students
Safe Learning Environments For LGBTQ Students In A Post-Orlando America
The Orlando Shootings: Parents’ Guide to Talking to Children (PDF)
How Teachers and Parents Can Talk to Kids about the Orlando Shootings
Effects of Traumatic Stress after Mass Violence, Terror, or Disaster
Vicarious Trauma (PDF)
Creating Welcoming & Inclusive Environments for Traumatized LGBTQ Youth (Video)
Mental Health Reactions after Disaster: A Fact Sheet for Providers (PDF)
Secondary Traumatic Stress: A Fact Sheet for Child-Serving Professionals (PDF)
Latinx LGBTQ Community & Its Stories of Survival Should Be at Center of Orlando Response
American Ugliness: Queer and Trans People of Color Say “Not In Our Names”
The Pulse Nightclub Shooting Robbed the Queer Latinx Community of a Sanctuary
Do Not Militarize Our Mourning: Orlando and the Ongoing Tragedy Against LGBTSTGNC POC
Statement from the Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity
From Charleston to Orlando: Reflections on Massacre in a Time of Backlash
Here is What LGBT Muslims Want You to Know after the Orlando Shooting
To My Fellow QTPOC Mourning the Orlando Pulse Shooting: We Need to Love Each Other
LGBT People of Color Refuse to be Erased after Orlando: ‘We Have to Elbow In’
LGBT Clubs Let Us Embrace Queer Latinidad, Let’s Affirm This
How are Latinx and LGBT Leaders Mobilizing in the Wake of Orlando Shootings
Among the Orlando Shooting Victims, Trans Latino Advocates Hope Their Stories are Told
The Time Two White Gay Men Heckled a Latina at a Pulse Vigil
Stuck in the Media Spotlight, LGBT Muslims Often Feel Exploited
#SomosOrlando: Latinx LGBTQ+ being Ignored while Simultaneously Killed
Orlando’s Gay Latino Community Describes Pulse Nightclub in Their Own Words
Joint Statement on the Orlando Mass Shooting – National Latina/o Psychological Association & Orgullo (PDF)
LGBT People of Color Alienated by San Francisco Pride’s Plan for More Police
Recognizing the Intersection of Identities in Orlando Mass Shooting
Orlando’s Intersections: May Our Differences Stretch Us to Revolutionary Love
LGBTQ Latinxs and Allies Share Heartfelt Messages in Honor of Orlando Shooting Victims
DeQH – Desi LGBTQ Helpline for South Asians (Thursdays & Sundays, 8-10pm EST): 908-367-3374
GLBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
GLBT National Youth Talkline (up to age 25): 800-246-7743
LGBTQ Violence Response Hotline (24 hours everyday): 202-888-7222
Muslim Youth Hotline (Monday-Friday, 6-9pm): 1-866-Naseeha
National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (24 hours everyday; English & Spanish): 212-714-1141
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – English (24 hours everyday): 800-273-8255
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – Spanish (24 hours everyday): 888-628-9454
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline (Interpretation service for over 150 languages): 800-985-5990
SAMSHA Disaster Distress Helpline (Hard of hearing and deaf community): 800-846-8517
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Text Support (English & Spanish): Text TalkWithUs or Hablanos to 66746
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860 (USA); 877-330-6366 (Canada)
Trevor Lifeline (National 24-hour suicide hotline for LGBTQ youth): 866-488-7386
Skyler Jackson, MS, is a diversity consultant and psychologist in training, currently completing his doctoral studies in Counseling Psychology at the University of Maryland, College Park. As a scholar, Skyler’s research helps illuminate ways in which contemporary forms of social stigma (e.g., racism, sexism, homophobia) not only have economic, educational, moral, and political implications, but are also important matters of public health. As a diversity consultant, Skyler’s training and facilitation helps to spark personal and community transformation by empowering people to dialogue about issues of identity and difference. He currently resides in Washington DC.
Contact: skyler@umd.edu
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Posts by guest authors reflect the views and perspectives of the guest author and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Psychological Association.
Image source: Flickr user Andi Weiland via Creative Commons