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Think Psychology is Missing from the Discussion of Poverty? Write for Our Blog


Erasing poverty

Are you a psychologist, social scientist or mental health professional who works on issues related to poverty? Here’s an opportunity for you to be a contributor to our blog.

The APA Office on Socioeconomic Status has issued an open call for poverty-related blog post submissions. 2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty and while there has been much debate about whether America is winning said War, what more do you think psychology can contribute to this discussion?

Psychological research has much to offer to inform debates about poverty alleviation by documenting its detrimental effects on life chances, health, and well-being across the lifespan. Additionally, social psychological research provides insight into class-based stigma, stereotyping, and discrimination. Perhaps, most importantly, psychological research makes clear that access to safe housing, adequate nutrition, affordable health care, quality education, and financial security can help alleviate health and educational disparities in low-income communities.

Psychological research and practice contains timely, significant contributions to understanding the correlates and consequences of poverty and income inequality. This anniversary of the War on Poverty provides a critical juncture for elevating psychology’s role in addressing economic inequality. As our nation reflects on its progress in fighting poverty over the last 50 years—we want you to share your opinions, your experiences and the science!

  1. Are low-income groups excluded from the benefits and wealth of knowledge our field offers?

  2. How can psychological research, training and practice be harnessed to reduce economic inequality and inform social policy?

  3. What are the mental health implications of poverty and class inequities?

  4. How can our field best train and support researchers and practitioners who work with low-income populations.?

Here are some topics for consideration:

  1. Exploring and Exploding the Myths about Poverty

  2. Poverty & Income Inequality

  3. The New Face of Stigma

  4. The New Face of Discrimination

  5. The Impact of In-Group Favoritism

  6. The Perils of Stereotypes

  7. Crime, Punishment & Poverty

  8. Unintended Consequences of Zero Tolerance Policies

  9. Education, Access to Opportunity & Debt

  10. Wealth Disparities and Health Disparities

  11. Your Blog Post Here

Deadline: September 15, 2014

The blog series will debut October 2014. Selected posts will be compiled into an e-book for download from the APA Office on SES. Don’t miss this opportunity! Send your blog ideas to Ieshia Haynie at


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